Facebook Twitter Reddit E-mail The Heavenly Idol is a Korean Drama Series, adapted from a webtoon, titled “Sungseureowoon Idol”, composed by Shin Hwa-Jin. It was introduced in February 2023, and is now streaming on Viki. This intimate comedy and fantasy series has only 12 episodes. The K-drama sequence is great […]
— Recommendations are independently picked out by Reviewed’s editors. Purchases manufactured by means of the one-way links below may possibly receive us and our publishing associates a commission. Nowadays, Max, the merged rebrand of HBO Max and Discovery+, declared that it is now developing a new drama collection established in […]
I simply cannot consider this working day has at last occur – Scott Pilgrim is being turned into an anime! This is truthfully hilarious for me, for the reason that I only just viewed Scott Pilgrim vs. The Globe for the very first time and I observed how numerous of […]
Tokyo’s cherry blossoms won’t be close to for substantially for a longer period, but the great information is that you are going to have lots of titles to flip to on Netflix once sakura year finishes. Contemporary additions coming this April include Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s ‘Drive My Car’, which is impressed […]
As outlined very last 12 months, it appears that anime are dealing with one more golden period, which commenced in 2021 and continued in full bloom in 2022. The box office environment accomplishment of a amount of motion pictures (“One Piece Movie Red”, “Suzume”, “The Very first Slam Dunk”) the […]
Korean drama “The Glory” sits atop Netflix’s international prime 10 record of titles for the second 7 days with the release of part 2. Through the March 13-19 viewing window, the show earned 123.59 million hrs seen. “The Glory” has also moved up the Most Preferred List into the No. […]